Friday, April 22, 2011


Blog number twelve that I will probably post once on and then never again. You've gotta love me.

Anyway, I'm a Buffy fan (Anyone get the parentheses) through and through.

To anyone who's wondering, Vampires live fast and never die. Yes!!

My favorite characters include Spike, Anya and for some odd reason, Dawn. Nobody likes her, but I think she's hilarious.

My top ten best episodes through S1E1 and S5E13:

10. Lover's Walk (S3E8)
Lover's Walk describes the forbidden love between Xander and Willow so well, besides, Spike's return notches it up a lot for me. I loved the ending, and Joyce Summers was so welcoming to Spike's pain. Although it was inevitably a darker episode for Willow/Oz and Xander/Cordy fans, it was extremely good either way.

9.Something Blue (S4E9)
Willow was so heartbroken during this episode that you had to feel sorry for her, yet beg her to stop the powerful magic she is doing. The consequences of the 'I will' magic are hilarious, and despite their funny conclusions, they realize that something is wrong.

8.Who Are You? (S4E16)
Faith trying to deal with Buffy's life helps her realize that not everything is easy, and Tara's reaction to Buffy being Faith is beautiful. Also Riley came so close to breaking up with the Buffster at the end of the episode...

7. Into the Woods (S5E10)
Riley's breakup with Buffy made it amazing enough, but it shows many sides of Spike and Xander too. (Who knew that Xander could be so profound? Not me!) Spike's love for Buffy rocks my socks and he does such a sweet job of hiding it. <3

6.Angel (S1E7)
This is the first episode where Angel begins to acknowledge his true love for Buffy and Buffy accepts it. The plot also grows far deeper throughout the end of this episode (what with Angel being a vampire with his soul and whatnot,) and this was really the clincher episode for me to start becoming completely obsessed with Buffy.

5.Innocence (S2E14)
The consequences of Angel and Buffy's relationship truly pay off in this heartbreaker of an episode. Buffy's reaction is just as expected and truly beautiful. I also love DB as Angelus because evil Angel is just so much cooler than friendly Angel...

4.Doppelgangland (S3E16)
So much foreshadowing ("and I think I'm kinda gay,") along with Anya's second debut make for one of my favorite episodes. Vampire Willow is kinda slutty, which is a total opposite from the real Willow, which makes me laugh. Hard.

3. The Wish (S3E8)
Anya's debut! Which makes me love it so much, but an alternate universe where Buffy never arrived takes so many things into account. The Master, still alive... Cordelia is so confused and not in place of the world of the Wish that it makes me laugh through the darkest parts.

2. Hush (S4E11)
Such a difference from the normal episode of Buffy that you had to love it. It also includes two of my favorite Spike scenes ( don't care about me..we never talk..) and the one where Xander thought he ate Anya :). The gentlemen gave me the willies, but in a fantastic horror-movie kind of way.

1. Restless (S4E22)
An aspect of hilarity throughout each of the dreams, yet a dangerous follower and a creepy aspect throughout the whole thing. Did anyone else notice Dawn standing by the ice cream line in Xander's dream? Or Tara's quote, 'Be back before Dawn?' These are just a couple instances of the foreshadowing given in this enigmatic season finale to a season I didn't really enjoy except for a few episodes.

Top Five Worst Episodes

5. I, Robot...You, Jane (S1E4)
The dangers of the Internet! Because we all know there are demon books that are likely to be scanned into the computer where they will take over everyone's mind. Yep.

4. New Moon Rising (S4E19)
While it had a good plot twist, I hated the fact that Oz left..again, because Willow loved Tara more than Oz. Who could love someone more than Oz? Also there was a lot of Riley in that episode. 'Nuff said.

3. Lie To Me (S2E7)
Everyone really enjoys that episode, but long story short? I didn't. I thought it was really sad that Ford didn't have another option and Buffy's mom did. And I disliked it, period.

2. The Yoko Factor (S4E20)
It was supposed to be very climatic, but it wasn't at all for me, and nothing much happened except that the Scoobies had a big argument. How fantastic.

1. Goodbye Iowa (S4E14)
It starred Riley. That's going to put it down for me, once and for all. He went insane, Buffy loved him, blahbity blahbity blah. He had the stupid hankerchief and stuff. Sorry, Joss. I just didn't enjoy it in the slightest.


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